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7 Delightful Drinks Packaging Designs

Drinks Packaging

On this weeks blog we explore packaging designs for different beverages. So go and grab your favourite drink and have a sip whilst browsing through the packaging below.

1. Molocow - Designed by Imedia Creative Bureau

We love Imedia's concept milk packaging design Molocow. This out of the world design features a flying saucer for its cap, with the image of a cow being abducted!  This fun concept is a great design, which would appeal to kids.


Molocow Concept Milk Package design

Molocow Concept Milk Package design

Molocow Concept Milk Package design

2. Pang Pang Beer  - Designed by Snask

The Stockholm based microbrewery Pang Pang enlisted the services of Swedish design studio Snask to design a summer series of hand brewed beers.  It was established by Fredrik Tunedal in 2011 at the age of 23, he tattooed Pang Pang across his knuckles.  The font from his tattoo is now the basis for the brewery's logo font.

Snask used a pastel colour palette enhanced by a black background with funky beach inspired illustrations. The end result being a bold punchy design that will enable these beers to stand out on the shelves.

Packaging with custom lettering designed by Swedish design company Snask for microbrewery PangPang's 2014 summer beers

Packaging with custom lettering designed by Swedish design company Snask for microbrewery PangPang's 2014 summer beers

Packaging with custom lettering designed by Swedish design company Snask for microbrewery PangPang's 2014 summer beers

3. Wild Island Gin - Designed by Thirst Craft

We love the simple yet beautiful design on the packaging for this Wild Island Botanic Gin bottle.  The gorgeous watercolour artwork has been printed on the inside of the transfer so that the art can be seen at all angles through the bottle.

“A place of contrasts and stunning wild beauty, Colonsay is home to Wild Island Gin. A botanic gin infused with wild aromas that are all sourced from the small island on the outer reaches of Scotland. We created a simple and confident brand identity that was influenced by the island’s rich Viking heritage."   Thirst Craft


Thirst Craft_WildIslandGin_01

Thirst Craft_WildIslandGin_02

Thirst Craft_WildIslandGin_03

4. Buck O'Hairen's Sunshine - Designed by Device Creative Collaborative

The beverage Sunshine used the services of the Device Creative Collaborative to achieve this striking look.  We love the use of the late 1800's hand lettering design that is used on the can of this carbonated pick me up drink.




5. Funny Bunny Energy Drink - designed by Jakov Jakovljevic

This conceptual design of Funny Bunny by Jakov Jakovljevic brings a bright,  humorous take on an energy drink.  We love the use of the bright colours and the adorable bunny illustrations.

"These designs are for a fictional brand of energy drinks, inspired by bunnies, anime and over-the-top cuteness. The main idea was to challenge the trope of energy drinks for being marketed as super-edgy and tough. Bright colors and cheerful characters accompany a wide variety of flavors. The goal was to make the packaging as sweetly energetic as the drink itself." Jakov

6. Milko by Giovani Flores

What's not to like about these eye catching bottles?  These colourful, playful patterned bottles designed by Giovani for a Student design project scream fun!

"Milkö was a project developed for the Typography II class during my fourth semester at UNESP (Bauru, Brazil). The proposal was to design a lettering to be applied in a package containing some kind of liquid. I decided to create a collection of some cold milk bottles with a handmade font for the logo. " Giovani Flores


7. Eroski Juices designed by Supper Studios

We love the concept of these fruit playing fun roles on the packaging of these fruit juices.

"A characterful design for which we used one statement colour to make the product stand out on the shelves, creating a unique image for each product." Supper Studio



Happy Drinking!

Rocaba Packaging

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